Barry Whaling, Chief Executive Officer, Smarter Systems, announced today that Theresa Ulyatt has been named President, effective today, December 1, 2010. Both Whaling and Ulyatt will be working together to lead the company. Collectively, with the team, they will forge a strategic plan focusing on continued growth, product and service expansion and infrastructure scalability in the business.

Barry Whaling, CEO, said, “We are very excited to have Theresa Ulyatt join the Smarter Systems team. She is the exact combination of experienced executive and quality leader that we were looking for, and we are pleased to have attracted such outstanding talent. The Smarter Systems team is united in the vision that her energetic management style, along with a proven track record of driving growth, is exactly what we need to achieve our full potential. I believe Theresa is the ideal person to assist me in leading Smarter Systems forward and I’m honored to get the chance to work with her. As far as I’m concerned, the best is yet to come.â€
Prior to joining Smarter Systems, Ulyatt held an executive leadership role with NouvEON, a management-consulting firm based in Charlotte where she led Strategy and Talent. Theresa also spent time with Wachovia/Wells Fargo in IT and HR Recruiting leadership. While still in the Northeast, Theresa was the Founder and CEO of two Executive Search firms in the NY/NJ metropolitan area.
Ulyatt commented about her new role, stating, “The opportunity to co-lead this young, successful organization is exhilarating. I believe in Barry Whaling and what he has built and in this company’s potential. The Smarter Systems technology solutions are leading edge and add such tremendous value; I am excited about being part of that. The team is hard working and ‘in it together’.”
Whaling noted that during the lean, recession years Smarter Systems pushed hard and worked to serve their customer needs, delivering on promises, watching expenses and staying close to their core company values. These fundamentals served the company well. In its first year of business the company far exceeded all benchmarks for revenue set at inception. In its second year, it doubled in gross revenue and kept expenses impressively low. In these challenging economic times, Whaling feels grateful to a committed team of employees and loyal customers who make it happen.
Via EPR Network
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